
marți, 30 iunie 2015

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sâmbătă, 6 iunie 2015

Olivia Maria Marcov pe pagina publicã Facebook “Je Soutiens Vincent (Lambert )”, 5 si 6 Iunie 2015

Olivia Maria Marcov pe pagina publicã Facebook “Je Soutiens Vincent (Lambert )”, 5 si 6 Iunie 2015

·                           Olivia Maria Marcov Un très bon avocat, Maître PAILLOT, j'ai écouté sa plaidoirie, elle est excellente, écoutez-le, il est tout d'abord un homme, un être humain qui lutte pour son prochain et ensuite un très bon avocat ! La "défense", je l'appelerai la "défense" des tierces parties, elles, les tierces parties se défendent de demander finalement, sa mort, la mort de Vincent Lambert "comme un dernier acte ou preuve d'amour [ de la part de l'épouse ]" est faible, sans conviction. Car l'instinct de conservation de l'être humain est le plus fort de tous les instincts de l'homme, celui qui exige de la part d'un être humain de lutter pour sa vie, de souhaiter la vie, de souhaiter être et rester en vie, l'instinct de conservation peut-on dire, agit même malgré soi, autrement dit, si un être humain voit sa vie en danger, il réagit de manière forte pour vivre, pour rester en vie et pour vivre, pour conserver sa vie. Ensuite, il a été affirmé que Vincent a été infirmier en Psychiatrie pendant 10 ans et qu'il aurait dit qu'il ne voulait pas dépendre de quelqu'un d'autre pour vivre. Ici il faut considérer le fait que, Vincent Lambert a été infirmier à la Psychiatrie, c'est-à-dire là où se trouvent des personnes qui souffrent d'un trouble mental, d'une maladie mentale, qui font que la personne n'a pas ou n'a plus son discernement entier.
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Olivia Maria Marcov Je veux vous montrer un article que je viens de lire :

Lisez la réaction des juges dissident qui ont voté contre l'arrêt de l'alimentation et de l'hydratation de #VincentLambert. Ils nous font par de leurs inquiétudes >…/
"Ce qui est proposé revient ni plus ni moins à dire qu’une personne lourdement handicapée, qui est dans l’incapacité de communiquer ses souhaits quant à son état actuel, peut, sur la base de plusieurs affirmations contestables, être privée de deux composants essentiels au maintien de la vie, à savoir la nourriture et l’eau, et que de plus la Convention est inopérante face à cette réalité. Nous estimons non seulement que cette conclusion est effrayante mais de plus – et nous regrettons d’avoir à le dire – qu’elle équivaut à un pas en arrière dans le degré de protection que la Convention et la Cour ont jusqu’ici offerte aux personnes vulnérables".

Olivia Maria Marcov Un crime est un crime, c'est un homicide volontaire et commis avec cruauté ( voir l'arrêt de l'alimentation et de l'hydratation ), tout d'abord la loi concernant l'euthanasie est une loi criminelle, elle ne peut pas être qualifiée de loi, car elle autorise le crime, néanmoins l'arrêt de l'alimentation et de l'hydratation est un crime commis avec cruauté, même par rapport à la définition même de l'euthanasie qui est : " (L') Usage des méthodes qui procurent une mort SANS souffrance à une personne atteinte d'une maladie incurable et très douloureuse", selon le dictionnaire Larousse, "Larousse Poche", Larousse-Bordas 1998, Paris. Pour ce qui est du consentement, - de manière générale -, une personne malade, handicapée n'est pas en mesure de donner, d'exprimer un / son consentement libre, librement, volontaire,volontairement, car aucune personne en bonne santé, bien portante, ne souhaite mourir, or, quand une personne est malade, cela veut dire qu'elle est malade, son corps souffre, et son âme aussi, c'est-à-dire son psychique aussi, une personne malade n'équivaut pas à une personne bien portante qui puisse donner, exprimer son consentement libre, librement, volontaire, volontairement, de son plein gré. Le consentement d'une personne malade, handicapée, même donné, pour l'euthanasie, ne peut être en aucun cas, un consentement valable, du point de vue juridique. En Roumanie un crime, un homicide est un homicide, et l'on ne peut pas "aider" une personne à mourir. La loi sur l'euthanasie, contrevient à la loi pénale, contrevient à la psychologie judiciaire, contrevient au droit à la vie, "euthanasie" signifie crime. Un crime dont le nom, la dénomination est "euthanasie".
Unlike · Reply · 5 · Yesterday at 4:28pm · Edited

Olivia Maria Marcov Les juristes, tous, juristes, avocats, magistrats, devraient dresser, établir des listes et se désolidariser du crime, de la loi sur l'euthanasie, ou de tout autre loi similaire qui puisse autoriser le crime, l'homicide, à la faculté de Droit les professeurs de Droit ne nous apprennent pas le crime, mais la punition du crime, on ne nous apprend pas à tuer, mais à protéger la vie humaine, la vie de l'être humain, la vie et les droits de l'homme. Le crime ne peut en aucun cas être considéré comme un droit, nici comme une obligation, ni comme un devoir. Qui a le droit de tuer, d'apporter la mort ? La vie des être humains est dans la main de Dieu. Il faut abroger la loi sur l'euthanasie ou/ et tout autre loi similaire.
Like · Reply · 1 · Yesterday at 4:15pm · Edited

·                                 Louise Helpe et quand on ne croit pas en dieu, Olivia ?
Olivia Maria Marcov Oui, Madame, il y en a qui ne croient pas en Dieu, mais Dieu ne leur demande pas l'autorisation D'Exister( "Je suis Celui qui suis" ) et de garder, tenir, prendre en Sa main la vie des êtres humains, nous sommes tous Sa création, j'ai prié pour ce Monsieur, pour Vincent Lambert , je me suis mise à sa place, à la place de ses parents, de sa maman, de ses frères, j'ai écrit des prières pour lui à la Vierge Marie, j'ai prié et je continuerai à prier, ce matin-ci je me suis levée et j'ai attendu la Décision de la Cour Européenne. En Roumanie nous avons eu des réactions vives - contre l'euthanasie - de la part d'une femme docteur, médecin laquelle avait dit que jamais une personne malade, même très malade, ne souhaite mourir, elle a soigné des malades durant sa vie, d'un prêtre, d'une autre personne, il y a eu une une émission diffusée à la Radio, il y a quelque temps, je l'ai écoutée, j'ai pleuré. Et c'est vrai, le cerveau réagit, le cerveau "voit, entend, enregistre" ce qui se passe autour de "lui" et le cerveau ne veut jamais mourir, même quand la personne n'est plus en état de parler, de s'exprimer, même dans le coma le plus profond, or Vincent Lambert n'est pas, n'est même pas dans le coma.
Louise Helpe Pourquoi ne vous êtes vou spas mise à la place de sa femme, qui l'aime et le connait mieux que tout le monde ? Nous ne sommes pas en Roumanie, mais en France, dans un pays où les lois ne sont pas religieuses. Ce qui permet à chacun de vivre selon ses croyances, sans pour autant les imposer au monde entier, comme le voudraient certains curés, pasteurs, rabbins, imams ou autres ayatollah. et je m'en réjouis. Laissez partir Vincent en paix, maintenant...
Jean Noram en Roumanie où on a des vives réactions contre l'euthanasie, on a laissé pourrir des enfants dans des mouroirs alors la Roumanie n'est pas la mieux placée pour donner des leçons

Roumanie 1999 Ceausescu exigeait cinq enfants par famille. Pour l'Etat. Il a donc ouvert...
Like · 23 hrs
Olivia Maria Marcov Je ne suis pas d'accord avec vous deux.
Like · 22 hrs
Olivia Maria Marcov En Roumanie les lois ne sont pas religieuses. La Roumanie ne vous donne pas de leçons, dans ce cas-là j'ai exposé mon opinion et j'ai expliqué ce qui s'est passé en Roumanie. Je suis une citoyenne roumaine, mais je ne suis pas la Roumanie. Vous voyez quelque part écrit que c'est la Roumanie qui vous parle ? Et ne soyez pas grossier avec moi, Monsieur.
Like · 22 hrs
Delph Rivière Ses parents lui ont donne la vie et se sont occupés de lui bien plus longtemps que sa femme. D'autre part qu'a t elle besoin de faire tout pour qu'il meurt? Elle a déjà refait sa vie a Bruxelles!! Qu'elle lui foute la paix! Ou bien elle attend l'héritage?
Unlike · 2 · 21 hrs
Olivia Maria Marcov Oui, Madame Riviere vous avez raison quant aux parents, à sa maman. De plus, Vincent a été des jours entiers privé d'eau et de nourriture, il avait droit à 200 ml par jour de liquide. Des jours entiers. Est-ce une preuve d'amour que de savoir ton mari,ton Bien-aimé allongé sur un lit d'hôpital, sans pouvoir se hydrater, se nourrir, alors que, pendant ce temps-là son épouse qui l'aime buvait de l'eau, du café, du thé, ou d'autres boissons, pour se hydrater autant qu'elle en avait besoin ? C'est l'amour cela ?
Like · 1 · 20 hrs · Edited
·                                  Louise Helpe les juges, qui eux ont en main tous les éléments que vous n'avez pas pour juger qui s'est occupé de qui dans quelles circonstances, n'ont pas la même vision des choses que vous. C'est peut être un indice que certaines réalités vous échappent ?
Like · 20 hrs
Olivia Maria Marcov Ils sont 12 juges, 5 juges ont formulé une opinion divergente, séparée et n'ont pas été d'accord avec les 7 autres juges.
Like · 20 hrs

Extras de pe pagina publica Facebook “JE SOUTIENS VINCENT”


Vincent Lambert and Others v. France (no. 46043/14), European Court of The Human Rights, Curtea Europeana a Drepturilor Omului, CEDO, Strasbourg Franta, June 5, 2015

Vincent Lambert and Others v. France (no. 46043/14), European Court of The Human Rights, Curtea Europeana a Drepturilor Omului, CEDO, Strasbourg Franta, June 5, 2015

End of Life and The ECHR / CEDO / CEDH                                                     

Grand Chamber Judgment concerning France

05/06/2015 5 Iunie 2015 June 5, 2015 
In the case of Lambert and Others v. France, the Court held that there would be no violation of the Convention if the decision of the Conseil d’Etat authorising withdrawal of the artificial nutrition and hydration of Vincent Lambert were implemented.
Vincent Lambert, who has been tetraplegic since a road-traffic accident in 2008, is in a condition characterised as minimally conscious in 2011 and as vegetative in 2014.  Hearings in French / Audierile in Limba Franceza

Lambert and Others v. France (no. 46043/14)
Audience : 07/01/2015 09:15
Grande Chambre : Lambert c. France (n° 46043/14) Hearings in English / Audierile in Limba Engleza

Lambert and Others v. France (no. 46043/14)

Hearing : 07/01/2015 09:15
Grand Chamber: Lambert v. France (no. 46043/14)


Awakenings: Return To Life, 1995-2005 ( CBS News.Com, 2007 )

Awakenings: Return To Life, 1995-2005 ( CBS News.Com, 2007 )

Some Minimally Conscious People Are Actually Re-Awakening Thanks To Drug Therapies
2007Nov 21
This segment was originally broadcast on Nov. 25, 2007. It was updated on Aug. 28, 2008.

Three years ago, Terri Schiavo sparked a nationwide debate when she was removed from a feeding tube. Schiavo was in a permanent vegetative state with no chance of recovery. But there are as many as 300,000 other Americans who have survived brain injuries, only to be trapped in what's called a "minimally conscious state." They can't talk, walk, or eat, but they retain more mental awareness than vegetative patients.

For decades now, minimally conscious people have been all but written off by the medical establishment, warehoused in nursing homes, with little hope of recovery. But as CNN'sAnderson Cooper first reported last fall, incredible new discoveries are changing the way doctors view these people. 

It turns out some may have been misdiagnosed and may be more aware than previously thought. What's even more surprising is that after receiving the popular sleeping pill Ambien, some minimally conscious people are actually waking up. 

Don Herbert was a firefighter in Buffalo, N.Y. On Dec. 29, 1995, he was battling a house fire when the building's roof collapsed. Don was trapped under a pile of debris and nearly suffocated. A local news camera captured firefighters pulling Don from an attic window. By the time his wife Linda and four sons reached the hospital, Don was already in a coma. 

"I remember pleading and begging with him in the hospital when he was unresponsive just, 'Don't leave me, don't leave the kids, you know. We need you, you know. We need you,'" Linda Herbert recalls.

"You'd try to get him to squeeze your hand or move a toe, or something like that it's just, we were looking for just about anything," Don and Linda's son, Don Jr. remembers.

Don Herbert did regain consciousness, but a few months later slipped into a minimally conscious state. He could respond to some stimuli but was unable to communicate. Moved to a nursing home, he was kept alive by a feeding tube.

"I took him to one neurologist. And I was basically begging him, you know, to tell me, 'Is he gonna get better, or isn't he?'" Linda remembers. "And he just sort of said, 'Well, look at him. What do you see? You see what I see, there's nothing there.' And I was just devastated."

While Don languished in the nursing home, years passed and his four boys grew into men. Determined to keep their father in their lives, Linda brought Don to birthdays and holidays, but says he sat slumped in his wheelchair, unaware of his surroundings.

What was it like for the sons to see their father in this state?

"You'd think after ten years of seeing him hooked up to feeding tubes and different machines that you'd sort of get used to it or something. But here, I really never did," Don Jr. explains.

"Yeah. It made me sick to my stomach to go every, you know. I didn't go that often 'cause I just couldn't stand seeing him like that," Tom says.

Then one day, two years ago, the nursing home called with shocking news: Don had woken up and was asking for his family.

One of the nurses lent the Herberts a video camera to record Don's incredible awakening. His first words were a struggle -- he hadn't spoken in nearly a decade.

Family members and buddies from the firehouse rushed to Don's room. Blinded in the accident, Don recognized everyone by their voice -- everyone that is, except his youngest son Nick, who was just four when his dad was injured.

"Did he understand who you were?" Cooper asks Nick.

"He still thought that I was real young. And he went to -- like, put his hand out over me and to see, like, how tall I was," Nick says. "We just kept telling him to raise his hand higher, 'cause he was trying to feel for me down low."

"When he learns that he has been gone for ten years, he seems heartsick about it," Cooper remarks. "The sadness is palpable."

"He felt so bad," Linda says. "He thought, like, he abandoned us. He felt so bad that he wasn't there for the boys."

Don Herbert's reunion with his family was brief. While trying to get out of bed, he fell and suffered another brain injury. He later contracted pneumonia, and less than a year after he woke up, Don Herbert died. 

Don's awakening was celebrated as a miracle, and a family member has written a book about it. But Dr. Nicholas Schiff, a neurologist at Weill Cornell Medical Center, says though rare, he's seen other startling recoveries and believes Don Herbert's story should be a wake-up call for doctors.

"When I went to medical school, like 20 years ago, there were very various kind of one-liners you get in medical school about, you know, ways of understanding a problem. And the one liner you'd get about brain injury was, 'Damage done,'" Dr. Schiff says. "What's done is done. Structural brain injury is unchanging."

"So with patients in minimally conscious state, it's not true to say, 'What's done is done?'" Cooper asks.

"I think we know enough now to know that there are some minimally conscious state patients where that statement is false," Schiff says.

Dr. Schiff believes Don's awakening may have been triggered by a Parkinson's drug his doctor gave him.

What's even more remarkable is that another drug has recently been shown to have similar effects on some minimally conscious people. The case of George Melendez is perhaps the most dramatic of all. George suffered a brain injury when he crashed his car into a pond and nearly drowned. Weeks after the accident doctors told his mother, Pat Flores, her son would never get better.

"What you see lying there in the bed is as good as it gets," Pat remembers of the diagnosis for her son. "That's as good as it gets. He's never gonna be able to do anything. He is a vegetable."

George was in a minimally conscious state, but for years Pat was determined to reach him. She cared for him at home, while searching for new treatments.

Pat believes George was always there, just unable to communicate.

One night in 2002, unable to sleep because of his moaning, Pat gave George Ambien, a common sleeping pill used by millions of people.

"I noticed the room got quiet and in my mind, I'm thinking, 'Wow, that pill's really good. It really knocked him out.' And when I looked over, instead of seeing a sleeping George, I saw a very much awake George with his eyes wide open and just scanning the room and looking," Pat remembers.

For the first time in five years, Pat heard her son speak.

The next day, sensing she was on the verge of a breakthrough, Pat gave George another dose of Ambien through his feeding tube. George's step-father taped the transformation.

Within six minutes, George went from being unresponsive -- moaning and shaking -- to quiet, alert and answering questions.

Asked what kind of questions she asked her son, Pat says, "If he knew where he was at. If he knew what had happened to him. If he was in pain."

George told her he wasn't in pain. "He said no clearly, which that was a big relief," she recalls.

Pat doesn't know why the Ambien works, but she's been giving it to George every day now for the last five years.

60 Minutes helped arrange for George to see Dr. Schiff of Cornell. He performed exams to see if George's reaction to Ambien is real or just his mother's wishful thinking.

First, Dr. Schiff did a PET scan of George's brain off Ambien. The frontal lobe, the area responsible for behavior and language, was yellow, indicating greatly reduced brain activity.

The next day, after he was given Ambien, George was put back in the scanner. The frontal lobe, seen earlier in yellow, was now bright red.

"So we've just learned something here. Today's scan looks like it's about two or three times as intense, metabolically," Dr. Schiff observed. "That's like a big deal. His brain is turned on, with this stuff."

Asked if he has seen Ambien work on other patients, Dr. Schiff tells Cooper. "I have. And about a year and a half ago, I would've said, no. … And now, I've seen at least three cases."

"And do you think there are more people out there who could benefit?" Cooper asks.

"I think you're gonna find a subset of patients who respond to it," Schiff says.

Other Ambien "awakenings" have been reported around the world, and the medical community is taking notice.

There are several clinical trials of Ambien underway, but progress is slow, in part because minimally conscious people are scattered around the country in homes and nursing facilities, often far from research centers.

Another obstacle to treating these people is that they're frequently misdiagnosed -- said to be in a vegetative state, a more severe condition, considered hopeless after the first year.

"There have been some recent studies looking to see what the misdiagnosis rate was and they come up with a number of 40 percent," Dr. Schiff says.

"So the number of patients who are said to be in a vegetative state, who may actually be in a minimally conscious state, could be as high as 40 percent, 20, 30, 40 percent?" Cooper asks.

"In some context," Schiff says.

Why were people misdiagnosed? 

Says Schiff, "You have to examine them repeatedly and at different times of the day, and sometimes just changing a patient's posture, or giving them a tendon massage, may change their level sufficiently to elicit some response. So yeah, this is an evolving area of understanding."

Dr. Adrian Owen, a neuroscientist from the Medical Research Council in Cambridge, England, thinks new technology may help diagnose these people earlier and more accurately than a bedside exam.

Last year, he stunned the scientific world when he discovered that a woman who met the diagnostic criteria for being vegetative could actually respond to a command with her mind. To illustrate his study, Owen did a functional MRI scan of Cooper's brain to show how it activates when he imagines playing tennis.

"Imagine you're on the center court at Wimbledon hitting that ball left hand, right hand -- forehand, backhand, whatever," Owen instructed.

Within minutes, the computer rendered a three-dimensional image of Cooper's brain.

"This region across here is known as the motor cortex, this area has turned on in response to you imagining moving your arm," Owen observed. "I can show you what happened in our patient who'd been diagnosed as vegetative. The motor cortex is almost in exactly the same place as in your brain, and it activates in almost exactly the same way, when she imagines playing tennis."

"What was that moment like, when you realized, 'Wait a minute. She's actually responding to what I'm saying. She's in there?'" Cooper asks.

"It was an absolutely stunning moment. Because we had no way of knowing beforehand that not only was she not vegetative, she was entirely consciously aware," Owen says.

"Someone like Terri Schiavo would not have had brain activity that would have shown up in a functional MRI?" Cooper asks.

"No. There are many differences between a patient like Terri Schiavo and the patient that we scanned. The first thing is the type of brain damage," Owen says.

As for George Melendez, Dr. Schiff says he's progressed so much he's no longer minimally conscious, but severely disabled. Pat has increased George's Ambien dosage and is hopeful her son will continue to improve. But she remains a realist.

"I'm not gonna get the old George back. I'm not that naïve and that much in denial, to think that I'm gonna get 100 percent of who George was at one time," Pat says. "But hopefully, it will be a George that will be able to live on his own and have a productive life."

"That's what you want?" Cooper asks.

"Yes," Pat replies.

Asked if she thinks that's very possible, Pat tells Cooper, "It's possible."
Produced By Denise Cetta