
joi, 23 iunie 2016

They wondered (ἐθαύμασαν) that he was talking with a woman, Daily Reflection, le 23 juin 2016, Coffee with Sister Vassa Larina

They wondered (θαύμασαν) that he was talking with a woman, Daily Reflection, le 23 juin 2016, Coffee with Sister Vassa Larina

Objet :
Daily Reflection
De :
Coffee with Sister Vassa (
À :
Date :
Jeudi 23 juin 2016 9h22

(Thursday, June 23)
Just then his disciples came. They wondered (θαύμασαν) that he was talking with a woman, but none said, ‘What do you wish?’ or, ‘Why are you talking with her?’ So the woman left her water jar, and went away into the city…” (Jn 4: 27-28)
The disciples had reasons for being scandalized that Jesus was talking with a Samaritan woman, but they said nothing.
Today let this be a reminder to me of an important spiritual principle: When I feel disturbed or “scandalized” by someone else’s behaviour, this signalizes a problem within me, not them. So it’s better to take pause and say nothing, asking myself how it is that my focus has thus slipped, to evaluating others to the point of disturbance. God knows what He is doing with others, just as He knows what He is doing with me, so let me “be still” and leave judgment to Him.Be still,” He says to me today, and know that I am God.” (Ps 45/46: 10).

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