
joi, 26 decembrie 2013

Mission to Magadan, mesajul de Crãciun al Pr.Michael Shields al Inimii lui Isus. Merry Christmas from the Mission to Magadan

Mission to Magadan, mesajul de Crãciun al Pr.Michael Shields al Inimii lui Isus. Merry Christmas from the Mission to Magadan

Objet :
Merry Christmas from the Mission to Magadan
De :
Mission to Magadan
À :
Olivia Marcov
Cc :

Cci :

Date :
Lundi 9 décembre 2013 21h35

Preaching the Gospel In Far East Russia 
    A ministry of the Archdiocese of Anchorage, Alaska 

A Message from Fr. Mike

A scruffy little boy with big brown eyes stopped me on the street and asked, "Are you going to celebrate Christmas this year?" What he meant  was, are we going to have our traditional Christmas Play on December 24th? 

Including the presence of St. Nicholas, who brings Christmas goodies and stuffed teddy bears for the more than 300 children who come to the parish that night? The news is out! We are going to celebrate Christmas this year!

How about you dear friends of the mission? It isn't a real strange question. Secular society has all but cancelled Christmas in malls, schools, and offices. I ask for you to please join us in the Mission of Magadan in Far East Siberia where Jesus is going to be born in hearts again. Where Jesus is going to be praised in song again. Where Jesus is going to be loved and honored as Lord again here and in our homes and parishes.

Are you going to celebrate Christmas this year? How can we not celebrate the most amazing truth of all times?  God almighty becomes one of us to save all of us and join us again to his family as sons and daughters of God. How can we not sing his praises who became poor so we might become rich in his mercy and love?  

Yes, we are going to celebrate Christmas more so than ever before. No darkness can over come Him and no denial of Him will take away our faith.
It was here that people died for their faith when a country tried to tell them that Jesus was not real and The Church was not needed.
We know Jesus is real and His church is more needed now then ever before.
I will pray for you all by name this Christmas, my dear friends of the mission.
We will celebrate Christmas as it should be celebrated.
Adoring this Christ at the mass. It is a Christ-mass for the world and for you.
My deepest thanks and greatest appreciation for all you do for  us.
We are really together in this mission in Magadan.  

Fr. Michael Shields
Pastor of the Nativity of Jesus Parish
Magadan Russia.”

Share your story on our Facebook page. Thank you to all our donors for their incredible support to the women, children, repressed and families in need here in Magadan, Russia

Donating for the Holidays

We hope you are enjoying the Mission to Magadan e-newsletter! The e-news helps keep you up-to-date with the latest ministry news happening at the Church of the Nativity of Jesus. Fr. Mike and the parishioners have just celebrated the parish's 22nd Anniversary and have had such an exciting year, especially with our preparation for the children's Christmas play and so much more!
Your continuing support of the Mission to Magadan is vital to providing the on-going ministries of a busy parish: the liturgical celebrations of Christmas, pro-life ministries and service to survivors of repression, the poor and the infirmed. As we approach the holiday season, we ask that all prayerfully consider making a gift to the ministries in Far East Siberia. Your gifts help so many lives and give joy and hope to those who are most in need.

Best wishes for a blessed and holy Christmas season.


The Mission to Magadan Family”

Thank you for your prayers and support of the on-going ministries to God's people in the Russian Far East!

Thank you for your support of the Mission to Magadan.

Sursa : Newsletter-ul din 9 Decembrie 2013 al Misiunii Magadan, Siberia Orientala, Rusia

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