Bonjour à tous! Buna ziua tuturor! 21 septembr(i)e 2018, vendredi = vineri
Bonjour à tous! Buna ziua tuturor! Mesaje Iisus/Jésus si INCAS articol nou tata / 21 septembr(i)e 2018, vendredi = vineri
O veste buna cu privire la articolul, ultimul scris de tatal meu.
Este si primul articol pe care l-a scris acum in vara aceasta 2018, primul dupa AVC-ul sau din 23 mai 2017 !
In timpul verii l-am intrebat daca odata trimis articolul de el, i-a fost publicat, insa mi-a raspuns ca " acum e perioada verii, a vacantei/concediilor si ... la toamna ! "
Astazi insa tata rasfoia o revista de stiinta, si mi-a aratat in ultimul numar, cel mai recent al revistei tiparite de INCAS (, articolul sau scris in vara care tocmai a trecut, articolul i-a fost primit ( adica el l-a trimis si a fost primit ) pe 26 iunie 2018 si a fost acceptat pe 15 iulie 2018 ( dupa lectura... ), iar acum a aparut publicat in ultimul numar al revistei INCAS-ului.
Astept sa va pot arata atat articolul cat si revista care e chiar foarte de curand aparuta !!!!
Pentru ca m-am uitat din nou pe Mesajele Cerului care noi pamantenii, mi-am amintit si acum am aruncat o privire pe Mesajele pe care le primeste John Leary, el si-a facut site-ul sau pe care publica mesajele in engleza.
Cautand sa dau peste site-ul sau al carui link nu-l mai stiam, am gasit un alt link spre un Forum pe care scrie ca John Leary spune ca ar fi primit darul acestor mesaje de la Iisus, din 1993 cand a fost la Medjugorje, dar pentru a citi mai departe, trebuia sa ma inscriu pe respectivul Forum.
Am sa va arat Mesajele, le vedeti si voi si va faceti o parere.
Sunt 2 site-uri, din care unul e sigur al lui ( si numai al lui )
Nu este cel mai recent Mesaj primit de la Iisus de John Leary, dar iata un Mesaj actual din 2 septembrie 2018 ( le puteti pe toate citi pe site-ul lui, la rubrica MESSAGES )
" Sunday, September 2, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, you heard the deacon give a good homily on faith and works. Faith is a gift I offer to everyone out of My abundant love. I offer it freely, and it is up to your free will to believe in Me or not. If you truly believe in Me, you will return your love for Me. It is mentioned by St. Paul that if you do not have love of Me and your neighbor, then all of your works are as nothing. When you have faith in Me, then you will desire to follow My Commandments which are based on love of Me and love of your neighbor as yourself. When I am the center of your life, then you will want to help your neighbor in good works out of love for Me. This faith that you have in Me, is like My love, because you need to share it with as many people as possible for all those people who listen to you. If faith and love for Me is lacking in your family or friends, then you need to pray for them to be open to My love. I desire that all people will come to know and love Me, and I use My faithful as My instruments to spread the Good News of My Resurrection upon everyone. Those souls, who accept Me, love Me, and repent of their sins, will be rewarded when I lead them up the steps to heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I spoke of all the filthy sins that come out of your hearts as sinners. Many people are quick to judge others’ bad actions, but they quickly forget their own sins. I am the only One to judge all sinners, so avoid judging others. Recently, you have been seeing some clergy accused of abusing young children, and some of these events happened years ago. It has been a bad example that many of these cases were hidden from the public, and possible prosecution. Since all of you are sinners, you all need to pray for sinners and especially for your priests who are being criticized. So instead of judging or criticizing others, you all need to practice what you preach without being hypocrites. Give good example to everyone, because your actions are seen by people on earth, and all of us in heaven.”
Written by admin · Filed Under Messages
Si un alt site unde apare mentionat John Leary cu Mesajele pe care le primeste de la Iisus este acesta :
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