Marcov, traducere a Mesajului Domnului din 12 Iunie 2020 dat Vassulei Ryden (ortodoxa din Grecia), primit de la domnul Petre Apostol de la Radio Romania pe 27 iulie 2020 seara ;
30 iulie 2020
My Royal Sceptre of Virtue
Sceptrul meu Imparatesc (Regal) de
June 12, 2020
12 Iunie 2020
An angel spoke and I heard him
saying: “Courage! Get up! The Lord is calling you!”
Un inger a vorbit si l-am auzit spunand : “Curaj!
Scoala-te! Domnul te cheama !”
I went to my notebook… and the Lord
M-am dus
la carnetul Domnul a vorbit:
O come beloved of My Soul! My thirst
for you to join Me in this way is insatiable; I have given you My Word to
observe you and guard you from pitfalls; blessed are you, who serve the cause
of righteousness with child-like faith! as on a harp, My Words will resound
like musical notes preserving their melodious tones; My delightful Words will
be given rhythmically with angelic melodies to become sonorous and audible,
reaching this generation and the generations to come;
O vino
prea-iubita Sufletului Meu! Setea mea de tine de a te uni cu Mine pe calea
aceasta este nestinsã ; Eu ti-am dat Cuvântul Meu sa te vegheze si sa te apere
de capcane ; binecuvântatã esti tu, care slujesti cauza dreptãtii cu o credintã
de copil! ca pe o harpã, Cuvintele Mele vor rãsuna ca notele muzicale pastrandu-si
notele melodioase; Cuvintele mele incantatoare vor fi date ritmic (cadentat) cu
melodii ingeresti pentru a deveni sonore si audibile, castigand aceasta
generatie si generatiile care vor veni;
My Vassula, continue to be like a
drop of morning dew falling from above on a parched land; be My golden net, to
bring back My sons and daughters who are caught in murky waters; I will step
down and bless them, laying My Hands over them; and once again, this parched
land shall blossom; I am the Lover of Life, I am the Lover of mankind; who
wishes to see this parched land that the world has become turn into an Eden and flourish!
Vassula Mea, continuã sa fii precum o
picatura din roua diminetii cazand de sus pe un pamant parjolit (uscat,
pustiit); fii nãvodul Meu de aur, ca sa-Mi aduci inapoi fii si fiicele care
sunt prinsi in ape intunecoase; Eu voi
coborî si ii voi binecuvanta, lasandu-Mi Mana peste ei; si inca odata, acest
pamant parjolit (pustiit) va inflori; Eu sunt Logodnicul Vietii, Eu sunt
Logodnicul omenirii; care vrea sa vadã acest pamant uscat care a devenit lumea
transformandu-se intr-un Eden (Paradis,Rai) si inflorind!
Lord, You kept saying that Ecclesia
will revive;
Tu ai spus neîncetat cã Biserica va renaste;
and it will! for My Spirit is in Her
and in all; I am known to keep My Word, daughter, so you will see Justice done
soon; Ecclesia will revive! listen and write:
si va renaste!
pentru cã Duhul Meu este in Ea si in totul; Eu sunt cunoscut cã Îmi tin
Cuvantul, fiicã, deci vei vedea Dreptatea facuta in curand; Biserica va
renaste! ascultã si scrie:
while whirlwinds are swooping still
over My House, My Spirit that reaches the depths of everything existing, has
assigned to you matters that only come from the Godhead to enable you to
revive, embellish and unite My House; lose no time in serving Me, and serving
My House; do not allow the enemy to lure you to forget that I have raised 1 you in My
Celestial Courts, in My House in Heaven;
in timp ce vâltorile
se napustesc inca asupra Casei Mele, Duhul Meu care atinge adâncurile a tot ce
existã, ti-a incredintat tie lucruri care provin numai de la Dumnezeire
(Divinitate) pentru a te face capabila sa reînsufletesti (sa renasti), sa
infrumusetezi si sa unesti Casa Mea; nu pierde timpul in a Mã sluji, si a sluji
Casa Mea; nu ii permite dusmanului sa te amageasca sa uiti cã te-am ridicat
(educat)1 in
Curtile Mele Ceresti, in Casa Mea in Paradis;
in My exuberant Love I have for you,
I adopted you to receive ineffable mystical Knowledge and Discernment, so fear
not, but have confidence; I have blessed you to discern through the light of
the Holy Spirit matters that concern My Church to give the right judgment as I
would do; I have entrusted you with My Poem of Love and I have put My Words
into your mouth and My Work into your hands; My Eyes are fixed on your hands to
safeguard My Work from the enemy, this is why you should keep your hands in My
Hands and your mouth on My Mouth; at this stage, Vassula, I am completing It
while I am putting the finishing touches;
in Iubirea Mea
exuberantã pe care ti-o port, te-am adoptat ca sa primesti o inefabilã
Cunoastere misticã si Discernamant, deci nu te teme, ci ai incredere; Eu te-am
binecuvantat sa discerni prin lumina Duhului Sfant lucruri (chestiuni) care
privesc Biserica Mea pentru a da sfat asa cum Eu as face-o; Eu te-am insarcinat
cu Poemul Meu de Iubire si am pus Cuvintele Mele in gura ta si Lucrarea Mea in
mainile tale; Ochii Mei sunt fixati asupra mainilor tale pentru a apãra
Lucrarea Mea de dusman, de aceea trebuie sa-ti tii mainile in Mainile Mele si
gura in Gura Mea; in acest stadiu, Vassula, Eu o desavarsesc in timp ce pun
ultimele tuse;
I have set you over nations, to run
like a stag, and I have been supplying your soul with good things to enable you
to transmit them precisely as they were given to you so that everyone blossoms
and flowers like the lilies; Vassula! I have covered you with My rarest
essences and delicate fragrances, therefore, spread my fragrances far and wide;
let earth be lifted closer to Heaven; let them feel their Beloved’s Presence;
let them feel My Love; let them be stirred to rouse and meet Me, their
Bridegroom! let them know that I have prepared in the Nuptial Chamber of My
Heart a golden canopy on our matrimonial bed, scented with myrrh and
frankincense; ah! tell them that I will untangle them from among the thistles
to lead them to My Nuptial Chamber, then to My Banquet Hall; remind them that I
am their Bridegroom,2 tell them of
My Sighs of Love and how I am sick with love for them!
Eu te-am pus peste natiuni, sa alergi
ca un cerb, si am hranit sufletul tau cu lucruri bune pentru a te face capabila
sa le transmiti cu precizie asa cum ti-au fost date astfel ca fiecare sa
infloreasca si sa impodobeasca cu flori precum crinii; Vassula! Eu te-am acoperit cu cele mai rare esente si
parfumuri delicate ale Mele, deci imprastie parfumurile mele departe; sa fie
pamantul ridicat mai aproape de Cer (Paradis); sa simtã ei Prezenta
Prea-Iubitului lor; sa simtã ei Iubirea Mea; sa fie scuturati sa se destepte si
sa ma Intalneasca pe Mine, Mirele lor! sa stie cã am pregatit in Camera
Nuptiala a Inimii Mele un baldachin din aur deasupra patului nostru
matrimonial, parfumat cu smirnã si tamaie; ah! spune-le cã ii voi descurca
dintre scaieti (ciulini,spini) pentru a-i conduce la Camera Mea Nuptiala, apoi
la Sala Mea de Banchet; aminteste-le cã sunt Mirele lor,2 spune-le despre
Suspinele Mele de Iubire si cat sunt de bolnav de iubire pentru ei!
called by angels, formed by Me,
pastured by Me, I led you to the Truth with a sensitive Hand, My bride, who
heard My Wedding Song that led many of My beloved sons and daughters into the
Mystical Nuptial Chamber3 of the
Bridegroom; let them not misunderstand My language, My Words are nothing else
but mystical and contemplative, illumination of the Holy Spirit; offspring of
My Sacred Heart, alight with the flames of My Heart, continue to bring back My
sons and daughters who went astray, all those of whom I have created with Love
for My Glory; remind them that alone My
Royal Sceptre of Virtue will lead with kindness anyone who will be willing to walk with
Me in this narrow path; anyone who will be willing to cry out: “here I am Lord!
I am willing to obey Your Will!”
chematã de
ingeri, formatã(modelatã) de Mine, pãscutã de Mine, te-am condus
la Adevar cu o Mana sensibila, mireasa Mea, care ai auzit Cantecul Meu de Nuntã
care i-a condus pe multi dintre prea-iubitii Mei fii si fiice in Camera
Nuptiala Misticã3 a Mirelui; sa nu inteleaga gresit limbajul Meu,
Cuvintele Mele nu sunt altceva decat mistice si contemplative, luminã a Duhului
Sfant; vlãstar al Inimii Mele Preasfinte, aprinsã cu flacarile Inimii Mele,
continuã sa-i aduci inapoi pe fiii si fiicele Mele care s-au rataciti, pe toti
aceia pe care i-am creat cu Iubire pentru Slava (Gloria) Mea; aminteste-le cã singur
Sceptrul Meu Imparatesc de Virtute va conduce cu bunatate pe oricine va voi
sa mearga cu Mine pe aceasta cale stramta (ingusta); oricine va voi sa strige:
“aici sunt Doamne! Vreau sa ascult de Vointa Ta!”
remind them of all the activities
that the Holy Spirit can do in you; see? without the presence of the Holy
Spirit your virtues will be good for nothing, no one can live and think he is
alive when he is spiritually dead if he is not truly joined to the True Life, the Holy Spirit? He is the One who lifts you
up to breathe in a New Life in Me, your God; have you not understood, that in
giving My Work the name of “True Life in God” it would also mean: “Holy Spirit
who regenerates and revives you to a life in Me?”
toate activitatile pe care Duhul Sfant le poate face in tine; vezi? Fara
prezenta Duhului Sfant virtutile tale nu vor fi bune de nimic, nimeni nu poate
trai si gandi cã este viu cand spiritual este mort daca nu este cu adevarat
unit cu Adevãrata Viatã, Duhul Sfant ? El este Singurul care te
ridicã si iti dã o Viatã Nouã in Mine, Dumnezeul tãu; n-ai inteles, cã dând
Lucrãrii Mele numele de “Adevãrata Viatã in Dumnezeu” aceasta înseamnã si:
“Duhul Sfânt care te regenereazã si te înviazã (învie) în Mine?”
daughter, have I not said in the
beginning: “full you shall be many?” when one receives the fulness of grace,
they will no longer belong to themselves but will belong to the Holy Spirit;
from thereon the Holy Spirit who encompasses everything without measure will
breathe in you and move in you; in your unique transformation observed by other
souls, Wisdom will attract many others bringing them to the fulness of Truth;
it was the Holy Spirit that revealed to you then that the Creator is your
Eternal Father, when you called out to Him with joy: “Dad!” Abba!
Fiicã, nu am spus Eu la început:
« sãtui veti fi multi ? » cand se primeste harul in plenitudinea
lui, nu isi vor mai apartine ci ii vor apartine Duhului Sfânt; de aici înainte
Duhul Sfänt care cuprinde totul fara masura va respira in tine si se va misca
in tine; prin transformarea ta fãrã de asemãnare celebratã de alte suflete, Întelepciunea
va atrage multe altele aducându-le la plenitudinea Adevãrului; Duhul Sfânt a
fost acela care ti-a descoperit atunci cã (Atoate)Creatorul este Tatãl tãu cel
Vesnic, când ai strigat la El cu bucurie: “Tatã!” Abba!
people ask: “how can we too obtain
the grace of the Holy Spirit so that Christ may live in us?” if your heart
wanders far from Us,4 and is
dominated by other passions, even by the smallest passion, you cannot become
the dwelling place of the Son, that is Me, nor of the Father, because if you
are still attached on worldly inclinations that are corruptible and of no
value, things that wear away, these will become the Obstacle to the true
oamenii intreaba: “cum putem si noi dobandi
harul Duhului Sfant incat Cristos (Hristos) sa traiasca in noi?” daca inima ta se
îndepãrteazã de Noi,4
si este dominatã de alte pasiuni,
fie si de cea mai micã pasiune, nu poti deveni locuinta Fiului, care sunt Eu,
nici a Tatãlui, pentru cã dacã mai esti atasat de înclinatii lumesti care sunt
coruptibile si lipsite de valoare, lucruri care se stricã (trecãtoare), acestea
vor deveni Obstacolul pentru adevãratele Binecuvântãri;
as with you, daughter, who
participates in My Salvific Plan, and of whom I made an athletic apostle to
reveal with delight to the world the Knowledge and Instructions of the
mysteries given to you, learn that it is the Holy Spirit that removes your
sinfulness and replaces it with virtues; “I am the Supplier of Life; Eternal
Life”;5 “I am present
in everything and yet I am outside of everything; I am able to fill up the
entire universe;” I have said: “alone My Royal Sceptre of Virtue will lead
with kindness anyone who will be willing to walk with Me in this narrow path;”
la fel si tu, fiicã, care ai
participat la Planul Meu Mântuitor, si din care Eu am facut un apostol atletic
pentru a descoperi cu incantare lumii Cunoasterea si Învãtãturile misterelor
(tainelor) date tie, aflã cã Duhul Sfânt este acela care sterge pãcatul tãu si
il inlocuieste cu virtuti; “Eu sunt De Viatã Dãtãtorul; Viata Vesnicã”;5 “Eu sunt prezent
in toate si in acelasi timp Eu sunt in afarã de toate; Eu pot umple intregul
univers;” Eu am spus: “singur Sceptrul meu Imparatesc (Regal) de Virtute
va conduce cu bunatate pe oricine va voi sa mearga cu mine pe aceasta cale
stramta (ingusta);”
therefore, if you seek Me in
simplicity of heart, follow My Royal Sceptre of Virtue, the Holy Spirit who
holds all things together and knows all and every word that is said, He will
reveal Himself to you, and He will befriend you and become your most intimate
and closest Friend; He will adorn you with virtues as He is an Inexhaustible
Treasure to man; immortality is found in being kin to My Holy Spirit, He is
indeed outshining all the constellations put together;
deci, dacã Mã
cauti in simplitatea inimii (cu inima curata), urmeaza Sceptrul Meu Imparatesc
(Regal) de Virtute, Duhul Sfant care cuprinde toate lucrurile impreuna si
cunoaste totul si fiecare cuvânt care este spus, El ti se va descoperi, si se
va imprieteni cu tine si va deveni cel mai intim si mai apropiat Prieten al tãu; El
te va impodobi cu virtuti caci El este o Comoara Nesecatã pentru om; nemurirea se
aflã în înrudirea (asemãnarea) cu Duhul Meu Sfânt, El eclipseazã într-adevãr
toate constelatiile puse laolaltã;
My Vassula, preach as you have done
all of these years, with spiritual eagerness and never falter to proclaim My
Name; I have given you a disciple’s tongue, to speak without fear, to
discipline, to tear up and uproot, to build and to repair, in this obscure and
troubled world;
Vassula Mea,
predicã asa cum ai facut in toti acesti ani, cu zel duhovnicesc si nu sovãi
niciodatã sã proclami Numele Meu; Eu ti-am dat limba unui discipol, ca sa
vorbesti fara teamã, sa disciplinezi, sa smulgi si sa dezradacinezi, sa
construiesti si sa repari, in aceasta lume intunecata si tulbure;
I have instructed you with Wisdom to
enlighten the hearts of man; My language as I have said is not only mystical
but Divine as well; hence nothing impure could ever find its way in My Hymn of
Love; blessed are those who have discovered My Hymn of Love and have entered
into My Kingdom; through their faith I have made all things accessible, in
which it preceded their love for Me, a love that with time grew as tall as a
tree since its root was within Me, your God, producing leafy leaves, fragrant
flowers and fruits; their love that has been given by the Holy Spirit who
illuminates their soul will keep perfecting and growing in them so long as
their love remains rooted in Me;
Eu te-am instruit cu Întelepciune ca
sa luminezi inimile omului; Limba Mea asa cum am spus nu este numai misticã ci
si Dumnezeiascã (Divinã); de aceea nimic impur (necurat) nu va putea vreodatã
ajunge in Cantarea Mea de Iubire; binecuvãntati sunt aceia care au decoperit
Cântarea Mea de Iubire si au intrat in Împãrãtia Mea; prin credinta lor Eu am
facut toate lucrurile accesibile, in care a stat înainte iubirea lor pentru
Mine, o iubire care cu timpul a crescut atat de inalta cat un copac fiindca
radacinile sale erau in Mine, Dumnezeul tãu, fãcând frunze stufoase, flori si fructe parfumate; iubirea
lor care a fost datã de Duhul Sfânt care strãluceste sufletele lor va continua
sa se desavarseasca si sa creasca in ei atata timp cat iubirea lor ramane
inradacinata in Mine;
never forgetting my wretchedness, I
give thanks to You my Lord, for averting my eyes from sin;
nu uit niciodatã netrebnicia mea, Îti
aduc multumire Domnul meu, pentru cã ai abãtut ochii mei de la pãcat;
I had you embedded always in My
Heart, delightful child; I was gracious to you, the entry of My Light in you
healed you; I am the Light of the world; I am the Life because I make all of
you live while I am joined to your soul; humility together with a true metanoia
attracts Me, it infatuates Me;
Eu te-am zidit intotdeauna in Inima
Mea, copilã incantatoare; Eu am fost milostiv cu tine, pãtrunderea Luminii Mele
in tine te-a vindecat; Eu sunt Lumina lumii; Eu sunt Viata pentru cã va fac pe
toti sa traiti cat timp sunt unit cu sufletul vostru; smerenia impreuna cu o adevarata
pocainta Mã atrage, Mã înnebuneste;
Lord, reveal Your Light in the obscurity
of those who live in darkness, look down from above to a wretched world and if
I dare say, a dying world…
descoperã Lumina Ta in intunericul acelora care traiesc in ignorantã,
coboarã-Ti privirea de sus la o lume netrebnicã si dacã indraznesc sa spun, o
lume care moare...
ah, Vassula! I am all compassionate
and I grant My Light to anyone who beseeches Me; and as I did then in the Upper
Room, sending to them My Holy Spirit while they were sitting and praying, so
will I send My Holy Spirit on anyone who seeks Me with a contrite heart!
to obtain My Divine Light, one has to
abstain from any worldly attraction; any worldly ambition, and they will be
rewarded and healed;
ah, Vassula! Eu
sunt cu totul compatimitor si dau Lumina Mea oricui Mã
implorã; si asa cum am facut atunci in Cenaclu, trimitandu-le Duhul Meu Sfânt
in timp ce ei sedeau si se rugau, la fel voi trimite Duhul Meu Sfânt peste
oricine Mã cautã cu o inimã plinã de cãintã!
Pentru a dobandi Lumina Mea Dumnezeiasca (Divina), omul
trebuie sa se abtina de la orice atractie lumeascã; (de la) orice ambitie
lumeascã, si vor fi rasplatiti si vindecati;
yes, Lord, we are devoid of Light
without Your Presence!
Doamne, suntem lipsiti de Luminã fara Prezenta Ta!
indeed, for human nature is corruptible
and devoid of light; I am the Elixir of the entire universe and the immensity
of My Light transcends all things, everything, piercing any existing darkness
of the soul; anyone who welcomes Me will be born of Me and will be transfigured
in My Light to resemble Me; many then will see Me in that soul, as many have
seen Me on you, daughter of My choice; on them too I will become their Garment.
Intr-adevar, pentru ca natura
omeneasca este coruptibila si lipsita de luminã; Eu sunt Elixirul intregului
univers si imensitatea Luminii Mele transcende toate lucrurile, totul, patrunzand
orice intuneric care existã al sufletului; oricine care Mã primeste cu bucurie se
va naste din Mine si va fi transfigurat in Lumina Mea pentru a semãna cu Mine; multi
atunci Mã vor vedea in acel suflet, asa cum multi M-au vazut in tine, fiicã aleasã
de Mine; in ei de asemenea Eu voi deveni Vesmântul lor.
I will continue increasing in you
while you will be decreasing; I have been revealing Myself in a mysterious way
in you, as I am God and above every spirit; did you know, Vassula, that your
heart is My hiding place?
Voi continua sa
cresc in tine in timp ce tu vei descreste; M-am descoperit intr-un chip tainic
(misterios) in tine, caci Eu sunt Dumnezeu si deasupra fiecarui spirit (duh);
stiai, Vassula, cã inima ta este locul Meu ascuns?
ah, You take me by surprise, Lord!
hiding from what, in this wretched heart, and from whom, Lord?
Ah, mã
iei prin surprindere, Doamne! Ascuns de ce, in aceastã inimã netrebnicã, si de
cine, Doamne ?
I am hiding from the clamour of the
world, My Ears are too sensitive to hear their strong arguments and quarrels,
the clamour is too loud for My Ears, love in its silence is missing, peace is
hardly there, even among My sacerdotal souls; I wanted to share My pain with
you as a Spouse who shares with his spouse His feelings and secrets, his
worries and sorrows; this is the reason that, finding My sweet repose in you,
in this hidden small corner of your heart, I am able to write through your
hand, while whispering in your ear My enflamed love I have for this wretched
world; while doing this Work with you I find My consolation, a moment of rest;
I have deigned to choose you for a dwelling; and in this silence I, as a
Scribe, am able to write My Canticle of Love, hoping that the clamour of this
world stops after having discovered My Canticle of Love; wishing that their
clamour will take form into praises for Me, their Bridegroom, their Divine
Lover; and that their vehement arguments will turn into silent worship…
Mã ascund de
galagia lumii, Urechile Mele sunt prea sensibile pentru a auzi argumentele lor
puternice si certurile, galagia este prea mare pentru Urechile Mele, iubirea in
tacerea ei lipseste, pacea abia este acolo, chiar si printre sufletele Mele
sacerdotale; Eu am vrut sa-Mi impartasesc durerea cu tine ca un Sot care
impartaseste cu sotia sa sentimentele si secretele Sale, ingrijorarile si mahnirile
sale; acesta este motivul pentru care, aflându-Mi dulcea odihnã in tine, in
acest mic colt ascuns al inimii tale, pot scrie cu mana ta, in timp ce soptesc
in urechea ta iubirea Mea inflacarata pe care o am pentru aceastã lume
netrebnicã; in timp ce fac aceasta Lucrare cu tine Îmi aflu mangaierea, un
moment de odihna; Eu am binevoit sa te aleg ca locuinta; si in aceasta liniste
Eu, ca un Scrib, Îmi pot scrie Cântarea de Iubire, sperand ca galagia acestei
lumi inceteaza dupa ce a descoperit Cântarea Mea de Iubire; doresc ca galagia
lor sa se transforme in laude pentru Mine, Mirele lor, Logodnicul lor
Dumnezeiesc (Divin); si ca argumentele lor vehemente sa se transforme intr-o
adoratie tacuta...
My Presence in you gives you as well
a vision of My Majesty; I have been gracious to you even before you were born
and I have sent you My Holy Spirit, Friend of man, to befriend you and bring
you to repentance; the Holy Spirit to safeguard you, acted as an entry Barrier
against all evil inclinations that were trying to slither past Him; from
thereon, anything that was non-spiritual became insipid to your taste, after
having tasted My spiritual Canticle;
Prezenta Mea in tine îti dã de
asemenea o viziune a Maiestãtii Mele; Eu am fost milostiv cu tine inca dinainte
ca tu sa te fi nascut si ti-am trimis Duhul Meu Sfânt, Prietenul omului, sa se
imprieteneasca cu tine si sa te aduca la pocainta; Duhul Sfânt pentru a te
apãra, a actionat ca o Barierã de intrare impotriva tuturor inclinatiilor rele
care incercau sa treaca inaintea Lui; de atunci, orice era nespiritual
(neduhovnicesc) a devenit insipid (fara spirit) pentru gustul tãu,
dupa ce ai cunoscut Cântarea Mea spirituala (duhovniceasca);
Vassula, be reassured, I am not just
like any passer by, never to be seen again for years, or never to return to
you; by grace I have risen you and by grace I am visiting you and will be
visiting you; and by grace I will be remaining with you and within you, joined
forever; this union by grace is a gift to you from My Father; grace will be
always with you so long as you observe and keep My Commandments and My Precepts
alive in you; do not fear, for I have attached your soul safely in Me as an
embryo with an umbilical cord; I will keep animating you to enliven My Church,
to console My Church and to spread My Messages with courage and zeal;
Vassula, fii
incredintata, Eu nu sunt ca un trecãtoar oarecare, pe care nu-l vezi cu anii,
sau care nu se intoarce la tine; prin har te-am inaltat si prin har te vizitez
si te voi vizita; si prin har Eu voi ramane cu tine si in tine, unit pentru
totdeauna; aceasta unire prin har este un dar pentru tine din partea Tatãlui
Meu; harul va fi intotdeauna cu tine atata timp cat Îmi respecti si tii
Poruncile (Comandamentele) si Preceptele vii in tine; nu te teme, pentru ca Eu
am legat sufletul tãu in siguranta in Mine ca pe un embrion cu un cordon
ombilical; Eu voi continua sa te insufletesc pentru ca tu sa redai viatã (sa
refaci, sa insanatosesti) Bisericii Mele, sa consolezi Biserica Mea si sa
raspandesti Mesajele Mele cu curaj si zel;
your zeal for My House has been a
spur to many, but be confident for I am with you; My Hand will be constantly on
you; Love loves you, ic
zelul (râvna) tãu pentru Casa Mea a fost un ghimpe pentru multi, dar fii
increzatoare pentru ca Eu sunt cu tine; Mâna Mea va fi mereu asupra ta; Iubirea
te iubeste, ic (ih)
1 In other words, formed me, taught me
and educated me.
1 In
alti termeni, m-a format, m-a invatat si m-a educat.
2 Is. 54: 5: For now your Creator will
be your husband, his name Yahweh Sabaoth.
2 Is. 54: 5: Pentru cã acum
Creatorul tãu va fi sotul tãu, numele lui (este) Yahve Savaot.
3 I think Jesus means: His Sacred Heart.
3 Cred cã Isus înseamnã: Inima Sa Preasfântã
4 The Holy Trinity.
4 Sfânta
5 The Holy Spirit uttered these words.
5 Sfânta Treime a pronuntat aceste cuvinte.
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