150 de ani de la înfiintarea Facultãtii de Matematicã a Universitãtii Bucuresti
Se împlinesc 150 de ani de la înfiintarea Facultatii de Matematicã a Universitatii Bucuresti.
Cu toate cã era la curent cu organizarea unui eveniment aniversar, tata tãcea, ca de obicei, insa profesorul Adrian Carabineanu i-a telefonat ieri, iar apoi tata mi-a explicat cã este invitat la Conferinta care va avea loc.
Am avut ocazia, prin anul 2001, cam pe atunci, sa o cunosc pe fiica profesorului Adrian Carabineanu, iar dupa aceea am auzit ca a optat pentru Facultatea de Drept a Universitatii Bucuresti, unde s-a si inscris si a intrat.
O tanara delicata si finuta, dar care, dupa cum se vede, “a ascultat de capriciile inimii sale”, asa cum spunea Maestrul avocat Jacques Vergès in filmul documentar realizat in anul 2007 de televiziunea catolica, Katéo ( ktotv.com ).
Sunt sigura ca a procedat cum trebuia.
De altfel, in ziua in care am cunoscut-o la etajul III al facultatii de Matematica, la sala 318 unde se afla Laboratorul de Mecanica Fluidelor, cred ca tatal meu a fost acela care a spus ca m-am indreptat spre Drept ( pe atunci in fapt citeam drept pentru ca doream sa obtin certificatul de traducator in stiinte juridice ( franceza-romana, si invers ), si cred ca atunci profesorul Carabineanu a spus ca nici fiica lui nu tinde spre domeniul matematicii.
Este interesant, dupa cum se vede, la prima generatie nu se transmite aceeasi curiozitate pentru acelasi domeniu al cunoasterii studiat de parinti.
Aceeasi a fost situatia in familia unchiului meu, magistratul si avocatul apoi, Dumitru Andrei, care isi dorise mult ca macar unul din copiii sai sã urmeze Dreptul, dar ei si-au ales alte profesii : arhitect si doctor psihiatru.
Mama mi-a spus cã, în anul in care tatal meu, Nicolae Marcov, a terminat facultatea de Matematica se împlineau 100 de ani de la înfiintarea facultatii.
Astfel incat, in aceasta dimineata am deschis pagina internet a Facultatii de Matematica si Informatica ( actuala ei denumire ) pentru a citi despre Conferinta ce va avea loc.
Pe pagina Conferintei putem vedea un Scurt Istoric al Facultatii de matematica in limba engleza, pe aceeasi pagina figurand si lista invitatilor, precum si lista celor care vor lua cuvantul.
Iata Scurtul Istoric al Facultatii de matematica a Universitatii Bucuresti, astfel cum apare el pe pagina Conferintei :
Conferinta aniversara "Faculty of Sciences - 150 years"
Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica organizeaza Conferinta aniversara "Faculty of Sciences - 150 years" in perioada 29 august - 1 septembrie 2013.
Brief History
In 1864, the year when the University of Bucharest was founded, the Faculty of Sciences - founded itself in 1863 - represented one of the three faculties composing the University of Bucharest and since 1866 it split into two departments, namely the Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and the Department of Physical and Natural Sciences, respectively. The former department became itself an autonomous faculty, i.e. the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, in 1948, whilst in 1961 it split again into two faculties, namely the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics and the Faculty of Physics. In the period of time 1974-2001, the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics was known as the Faculty of Mathematics and finally renamed as the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science in 2001.
A first landmark in the history of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science was represented by the employment of Spiru Haret, David Emmanuel, Constantin Gogu and Nicolae Coculescu as professors of the faculty, all of them after having been awarded a PhD in mathematics in Paris, France, and hence being the first Romanian mathematicians in this position. Apart from David Emmanuel, whose PhD thesis was devoted to Abelian integrals of the third kind, the aforementioned professors dealt, in their theses, with celestial mechanics problems. Spiru Haret was not only a brilliant professor of Rational Mechanics, but also, most likely, the most important Romanian Minister of Education, at the same time being the truly reformist of the Romanian educational system through the law promoted in 1898. David Emmanuel was also considerd by prominent Romanian mathematicians, such as Țițeica, Lalescu, Stoilow etc, as their mentor.
The next stage of the evolution of mathematics in Bucharest , which can be named as the recognition stage, belongs to the great creators who, after completing their PhD in Paris , mostly with distinction, returned to Bucharest in order to achieve impressive scientific and academic works. With respect to the aforementioned stage, it is worth mentioning Gheorghe Țițeica, Dimitrie Pompeiu and Traian Lalescu as outstanding personalities of the Faculty in the first four decades of the twentieth, followed by Victor Vâlcovici and Octav Onicescu. A remarkable moment in the history of our faculty is given by the appointment by the Faculty of Mathematics of renowned professors previously affiliated with the University of Cernăuți (Simion Stoilow, Gheorghe Vrânceanu, Miron Nicolescu), the University of Iași (Grigore C. Moisil) or the University of Cluj (Caius Iacob). This clearly represented, for the following years, a turning point in the modernization of mathematical higher education at the University of Bucharest . Also, other professors, such as Alexandru Ghika, Dan Barbilian, Gheorghe Mihoc, Nicolae Teodorescu, Alexandru Froda, Călin Popoviciu and Ștefan Gheorghiță, joined the previously mentioned ones in their effort. With respect to the last period of time, one should mention, as active participants in the modernization of the mathematical higher education and research, Professors Gheorghe Marinescu, Martin Jurchescu, Nicolae Radu, Aristide Halanay, Dragoș Lazăr, Costache Teleman, Eugen Sóos. There are numerous mathematicians who sadly passed away, lived in the twentieth century and brought important contributions to the development of our faculty, as well as mathematics in Romania, and whose photographs are displayed on the corridor inside the Dean’s Office.
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