Stela Moraru-Pavel, Mihaela-Victoria Munteanu, Olivia-Maria Marcov iunie 2009, USH, Drept

Stela Moraru-Pavel, Mihaela-Victoria Munteanu, Olivia-Maria Marcov iunie 2009, USH, Drept

Petrutu Crãciunas anii 1976 la Marea Mediterana Algeria

Petrutu Crãciunas anii 1976 la Marea Mediterana Algeria

Clasa 9-12 V 1982-1986 in 7 iulie 2006 liceul N Balcescu Bucuresti, Romania

Clasa 9-12 V 1982-1986 in 7 iulie 2006 liceul N Balcescu Bucuresti, Romania

Clasa 12 V Colegiul National Sf Sava promotia 1986

Clasa 12 V Colegiul National Sf Sava promotia 1986

Jésus-Christ, Jezu Ufam Tobie, Isuse mã încred in tine

Jésus-Christ, Jezu Ufam Tobie, Isuse mã încred in tine

Iulia Motoc Bucharest Romania CEDO

Iulia Motoc Bucharest Romania CEDO

Iulia Motoc Patriarhie, Turnul Clopotnita din 1698, 8 septembrie 2013

Iulia Motoc Patriarhie, Turnul Clopotnita din 1698, 8 septembrie 2013

Petrutu, prietenul meu din copilaria, Aurora si Tutzu (Petru) Craciunas parintii lui (Algeria)

Petrutu, prietenul meu din copilaria, Aurora si Tutzu (Petru) Craciunas parintii lui (Algeria)

Sr Dominique, Renée, Olivia, Corina R., Anca, Victoria si Iudit (Ungaria), Ruxandra, Monica ...

Sr Dominique, Renée, Olivia, Corina R., Anca, Victoria si Iudit (Ungaria), Ruxandra, Monica ...

Petrutu Crãciunas si Stephanie White Mountain

Petrutu Crãciunas si Stephanie White Mountain

Sr. Georges, Renée, Marie-Lucie, Suzanne, Octavie, Dominique, RDC Constantine

Sr. Georges, Renée, Marie-Lucie, Suzanne, Octavie, Dominique, RDC Constantine

Olivia Maria Marcov si Corina Resl Scoala Catolica Doctrina Crestina Constantine

Olivia Maria Marcov si Corina Resl Scoala Catolica Doctrina Crestina Constantine

Scoala Catolica Doctrina Crestina Constantine Algeria 1972 1976

Scoala Catolica Doctrina Crestina Constantine Algeria 1972 1976

Mihai Miriunis, Laura Simion, Mihai-Ionut Taciu colegii mei de facultate

Mihai Miriunis, Laura Simion, Mihai-Ionut Taciu colegii mei de facultate

Peter-Jacob Hehn Petrutu's friend Canada

Peter-Jacob Hehn Petrutu's friend Canada

Prof.dr.Dorel Zugravescu, ing.J.-B.Deloly, Olivia Maria Marcov, prof.dr.Ieronim Mihaila

Prof.dr.Dorel Zugravescu, ing.J.-B.Deloly, Olivia Maria Marcov, prof.dr.Ieronim Mihaila

Iulia Motoc 15 august 2013

Iulia Motoc 15 august 2013

Laura Simion, colega mea de la Drept, USH, Bucharest

Laura Simion, colega mea de la Drept, USH, Bucharest

Prof.dr.NIcolae Marcov ( father ) si prof.Udriste

Prof.dr.NIcolae Marcov ( father ) si prof.Udriste

Prof.dr.Florin Munteanu si Leon Zagrean

Prof.dr.Florin Munteanu si Leon Zagrean

Prof.dr.Ieronim Mihaila, ing.J.-B.Deloly AIRAMA, Olivia Marcov

Prof.dr.Ieronim Mihaila, ing.J.-B.Deloly AIRAMA, Olivia Marcov



Tatal meu Nicolae Marcov, Revedere colegi liceu Gh.Sincai, promotia 1959, in 31/oct./2013

Tatal meu Nicolae Marcov, Revedere colegi liceu Gh.Sincai, promotia 1959, in 31/oct./2013

Olivia Maria N. Marcov, august 2006, Bucuresti

Olivia Maria N. Marcov, august 2006, Bucuresti

Sorin Tilie, Silviu Marcov, Olivia Maria Marcov, septembrie 2003 Bucuresti

Sorin Tilie, Silviu Marcov, Olivia Maria Marcov, septembrie 2003 Bucuresti

Olivia Maria Marcov, Alexandra Georgescu, Adrian Pafa, Bianca Eftimie, aug.2009, Bucharest

Olivia Maria Marcov, Alexandra Georgescu, Adrian Pafa, Bianca Eftimie, aug.2009, Bucharest

Stéphanie Crãciunas Peter Hehn and Stéphanie's cousin, Canada

Stéphanie Crãciunas Peter Hehn and Stéphanie's cousin, Canada

Maica Domnului cu pruncul, Rugaciune la aprinderea candelei

Maica Domnului cu pruncul, Rugaciune la aprinderea candelei

Mission to Magadan Sister Miriam praying the rosary June 24 2014

Mission to Magadan Sister Miriam praying the rosary June 24 2014

The Catholic Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Constantine Algeria 1972 1976

The Catholic Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Constantine Algeria 1972 1976

Laura Adriana Bucharest Romania July 2009

Laura Adriana Bucharest Romania July  2009

Olivia Maria Marcov December 2007 Bucharest Romania Cristi s Birthday

Olivia Maria Marcov December 2007 Bucharest Romania Cristi s Birthday

Olivia Maria Marcov si Laura Gabriela Cristea in Aparatorii Patriei anul IV 2008 2009

Olivia Maria Marcov si Laura Gabriela Cristea in Aparatorii Patriei anul IV 2008 2009

Fr Michael Shields Bronislava s gulag number Anchorage USA 2014

Fr Michael Shields Bronislava s gulag number Anchorage USA 2014

Liliana Iacob Barna 8 martie 2014 Bucuresti Romania

Liliana Iacob Barna 8 martie 2014 Bucuresti Romania

Olivia Marcov Liliana Iacob Gratiela Andreescu 20 August 1979 Bucharest Romania

Olivia Marcov Liliana Iacob Gratiela Andreescu 20 August 1979 Bucharest Romania

Liliana Iacob and Gratiela Andreescu Italy Bucharest Romania

Liliana Iacob and Gratiela Andreescu Italy Bucharest Romania

Peter Jacob Hehn Petrutu's friend CANADA

Peter Jacob Hehn Petrutu's friend CANADA

Mission to Magadan Fr Michael Shields Children Saturday Club April 29 2014

Mission to Magadan Fr Michael Shields Children Saturday Club April 29 2014

Professor Nicolae Marcov at the Faculty of Matehmatics str Academiei 14 Bucharest Spiru Haret amph

Professor Nicolae Marcov at the Faculty of Matehmatics str Academiei 14 Bucharest Spiru Haret amph

Professor Nicolae Marcov Faculty of Mathematics 14 str Academiei sector 3 Bucharest

Professor Nicolae Marcov Faculty of Mathematics 14 str Academiei sector 3 Bucharest

Iulia Motoc ORTA ITALY September October 5 2014 Romania

Iulia Motoc ORTA ITALY September October 5 2014 Romania

Iulia Motoc Clasa I 1973 Romania

Iulia Motoc Clasa I 1973 Romania

Professor Ieronim Mihaila Faculty of Mathematics Str Academiei 14 3rd floor Bucharest 2007

Professor Ieronim Mihaila Faculty of Mathematics Str Academiei 14 3rd floor Bucharest 2007

Olivia Maria Marcov Andrei Dobrescu 12 V 30 Martie 2007 Bucharest Romania

Olivia Maria Marcov Andrei Dobrescu 12 V 30 Martie 2007 Bucharest Romania

Iulia Motoc Isla Bella September October 5 2014 Romania

Iulia Motoc Isla Bella September October 5 2014 Romania

Olivia Maria Marcov 1968 1969 in Str Sebastian Bucharest Romania la bunica mea Jeana Mardale

Olivia Maria Marcov 1968 1969 in Str Sebastian Bucharest Romania la bunica mea Jeana Mardale

Olivia Maria Marcov JB Deloly AIRAMA July 20 2012 Bucharest Romania

Olivia Maria Marcov JB Deloly AIRAMA July 20 2012 Bucharest Romania

Olivia Maria Marcov December 1970 School Bucharest Romania

Olivia Maria Marcov December 1970 School Bucharest Romania

Olivia Maria Marcov December 1970 Bucharest Romania

Olivia Maria Marcov December 1970 Bucharest Romania

Olivia Maria, Nicolae, Magdalena, Silviu Marcov, Maria, Irina Craciunas in 1980 Bucharest sector 6

Olivia Maria, Nicolae, Magdalena, Silviu Marcov, Maria, Irina Craciunas in 1980 Bucharest sector 6

Magdalena Marcov my mother and aunt Stefania Sestocenco Bucharest '60

Magdalena Marcov my mother and aunt Stefania Sestocenco Bucharest '60

Olivia Maria, Silviu Marcov, Irina Craciunas' Birthday May 17 1982 Bucharest Romania

Olivia Maria, Silviu Marcov, Irina Craciunas' Birthday May 17 1982 Bucharest Romania

Olivia Maria, Silviu Marcov, Irina Craciuns'Birthday May 17, 1982, 2 years old, Bucharest

Olivia Maria, Silviu Marcov, Irina Craciuns'Birthday May 17, 1982, 2 years old, Bucharest

Olivia Maria Marcov Irina Craciunas Silviu Marcov January 1, 1983 Bucharest

Olivia Maria Marcov Irina Craciunas Silviu Marcov January 1, 1983 Bucharest

Olivia Maria, Silviu Marcov, Silviu Jr.Craciunas, Irina's Birthday, May 17, 1985 Bucharest

Olivia Maria, Silviu Marcov, Silviu Jr.Craciunas, Irina's Birthday, May 17, 1985 Bucharest

Olivia Maria, Silviu Marcov, Silviu Jr., Irina Craciunas' Birthday, May 17, 1985, Bucharest Romania

Olivia Maria, Silviu Marcov, Silviu Jr., Irina Craciunas' Birthday, May 17, 1985, Bucharest Romania

Olivia Maria Marcov in 1969 Bucharest Romania

Olivia Maria Marcov in 1969 Bucharest Romania

Mission to Magadan October 29 2014

Mission to Magadan October 29 2014

Fr Michael Shields of The Heart of Jesus June 4 2014 Magadan Russia USA

Fr Michael Shields of The Heart of Jesus June 4 2014 Magadan Russia USA

Fr Michael Shields of The Heart of Jesus Mission to Magadan E News Oct 2014

Fr Michael Shields of The Heart of Jesus Mission to Magadan E News Oct 2014

The Holy Virgin Mary and the Kremlin Russia December 2014

The Holy Virgin Mary and the Kremlin Russia December 2014

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin FB page Kremlin Ru En Jan 7 2015

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin FB page Kremlin Ru En Jan 7 2015



Jesus, The Holy Mother of God Kazanskia by Irina VESELKINA RUSSIA

Jesus, The Holy Mother of God Kazanskia by Irina VESELKINA RUSSIA

Vladimir Putin et les enfants orphelins Russie Noel 2014

Vladimir Putin et les enfants orphelins Russie Noel 2014

God and Baby Jesus Ekaterina and Anton Daineko Belarus

God and Baby Jesus Ekaterina and Anton Daineko Belarus

Liliana Iacob Gratiela Andreescu September 2014 Bucharest Romania

Liliana Iacob Gratiela Andreescu September 2014 Bucharest Romania

Gratiela Andreescu Romania Italia

Gratiela Andreescu Romania Italia

Liliana Iacob Barna si Carina Barna 5 iulie 2015 Bucharest Romania

Liliana Iacob Barna si Carina Barna 5 iulie 2015 Bucharest Romania

Vladimir Putin Moscow Russia 2015

Vladimir Putin Moscow Russia 2015

Sr Barbara Hojda Polonia Iunie 2015

Sr Barbara Hojda Polonia Iunie 2015

Sr Barbara Hojda Les Filles de la Charité Magadan Russia 2015

Sr Barbara Hojda Les Filles de la Charité Magadan Russia 2015

Sr Barbara Hojda Les Filles de la Charité Magadan Russia 2015 Pologne

Sr Barbara Hojda Les Filles de la Charité Magadan Russia 2015 Pologne

Fr Michael Shields of The Heart of Jesus April 26 2015 Magadan Russia

Fr Michael Shields of The Heart of Jesus April 26 2015 Magadan Russia

Father Michael Shields of The Heart of Jesus May 21 2015 The Poor Claire Sisters Ireland

Father Michael Shields of The Heart of Jesus  May 21 2015 The Poor Claire Sisters Ireland

Luminita Marina Raileanu psiholog Bucharest Romania July 4 2015

Luminita Marina Raileanu psiholog Bucharest Romania July 4 2015

Sr Barbara Hojda Magadan Russia 13Iulie 2015

Sr Barbara Hojda Magadan Russia 13Iulie 2015

Sr Barbara Hojda Magadan Russia 13 Iulie 2015

Sr Barbara Hojda Magadan Russia 13 Iulie 2015

Vie de Prieres JESUS CHRIST

Vie de Prieres JESUS CHRIST

Olivia Maria Nicolae MARCOV 3 decembrie 2015

Olivia Maria Nicolae MARCOV 3 decembrie 2015

Irina Vatava Moscalenco la fille de Boris Vatav Ma cousine Chisinau Moldova

Irina Vatava Moscalenco la fille de Boris Vatav Ma cousine  Chisinau Moldova

Tania Trahman la petite fille de Boris Vatav Chisinau Moldova

Tania Trahman la petite fille de Boris Vatav Chisinau Moldova

Natasa la fille aînée de Boris Vatav son mari et Tania Trahman leur fille Chisinau Moldova

Natasa la fille aînée de Boris Vatav son mari et Tania Trahman leur fille Chisinau Moldova

Irina Vatav la fille de Boris Vatav le cousin de mon père de Chisinau Moldova

Irina Vatav la fille de Boris Vatav le cousin de mon père de Chisinau Moldova

Valentina et Boris et Irina Vatav Chisinau Moldova

Valentina et Boris et Irina Vatav Chisinau Moldova

Valentina et Boris Vatav le cousin de mon père Chisinau Moldova 2015

Valentina et Boris Vatav le cousin de mon père Chisinau Moldova 2015

Jesus Christ Iisus Hristos

Jesus Christ Iisus Hristos



Olivia Maria Marcov 1 Octombrie 2014 Bucharest Romania

Olivia Maria Marcov 1 Octombrie 2014 Bucharest Romania



Olivia Maria MARCOV 5 Ianuarie Janvier 2016 Bucharest Romania

Olivia Maria MARCOV 5 Ianuarie Janvier 2016 Bucharest Romania

Le mot de Jesus Christ Le Verbe Dieu Sfinte Dumnezeule Sfinte Tare Sfinte Fara de Moarte

Le mot de Jesus Christ Le Verbe Dieu Sfinte Dumnezeule Sfinte Tare Sfinte Fara de Moarte





Olivia Marcov Bogdan Buzoianu 31 janvier 1976 CONSTANTINE ALGERIE

Olivia Marcov Bogdan Buzoianu 31 janvier 1976 CONSTANTINE ALGERIE

Maica Domnului icoana Sf Ap Luca aici MD Vladimir

Maica Domnului icoana Sf Ap Luca aici MD Vladimir



Profesor fizica Ion MANEA Olivia Marcov cl 12 V 1986 Liceul N Balcescu Colegiul Sf SAVA Bucuresti

Profesor fizica Ion MANEA Olivia Marcov cl 12 V 1986 Liceul N Balcescu Colegiul Sf SAVA Bucuresti

Olivia Maria Marcov Icône de la Mère de Dieu Salvatrice et Secours des Affligés Bucarest Romania

Olivia Maria Marcov Icône de la Mère de Dieu Salvatrice et Secours des Affligés  Bucarest Romania

Silviu Marcov mon frère fratele meu Bucarest Romania

Silviu Marcov mon frère fratele meu Bucarest Romania

Lycée Balcescu Saint Sava 1986 la classe 12 V Bucarest Roumanie 2016

Lycée Balcescu Saint Sava 1986 la classe 12 V Bucarest Roumanie 2016

Lycée Balcescu Saint Sava 1986 Bucarest Roumanie 2016

Lycée Balcescu Saint Sava 1986 Bucarest Roumanie 2016

Nasterea Domnului La Naissance du Petit Jésus

Nasterea Domnului La Naissance du Petit Jésus



Nicolae Marcov tata si prof.Constantin Udriste

Nicolae Marcov tata si prof.Constantin Udriste
20 iulie 2012

Camelia,Mihai, Maria SMICALA, Romania v.Finland

Camelia,Mihai, Maria SMICALA, Romania v.Finland

Fecioara Maria pentru ROMANIA de la Jude DUC THANG NGO

Fecioara Maria pentru ROMANIA de la Jude DUC THANG NGO

sâmbătă, 1 noiembrie 2014

Empathy: The Gateway to Healing ( dr.Anthony William, )

Empathy: The Gateway to Healing ( dr.Anthony William, )

When nobody listens, how can healing occur?
Deep, authentic understanding grants more than just a freeing sensation—it removes mental and spiritual blockages, it shifts energy, and helps people achieve true healing.
Anthony understands each client on a soul level, meaning that he can see their souls clearly, giving him a greater ability to understand why a person is sick and how it happened.

Empathy: The Gateway to Healing

When nobody listens, how can healing occur? Deep, authentic understanding grants more than just a freeing sensation—it removes mental and spiritual blockages, it shifts energy, and helps people achieve true healing.

Think of the first time you found a true friend and how fulfilling it was when you realized that they truly understood you.
This likely built up your confidence and feelings of self-worth.
Self-worth is one of the first things to go when a person becomes sick.
Depending on the length and intensity of the health disorder, this waning confidence in one's own ability to be well can lead to insecurity and despair.

True Empathy

Anthony William has the unique ability to truly experience what his clients are feeling.
This helps further increase his drive to help each person achieve wellness.
Not only does he have the ability to reach genuine empathy, he understands each client on a soul level, meaning that he can see their souls clearly, giving him a greater ability to understand why a person is sick, how it happened, when it started, and how all related emotional aspects of the illness have taken affect.
This opens up the gateway to lasting healing.

Healing: Journey at Sea
A Few Setbacks

To help understand the way your health works, imagine you are going on a fishing trip.
At the very least, you'll need to bring a fishing pole, a tackle box, a raincoat, a packed lunch, and drinking water to be fully prepared.
Now imagine that you are out on the water, ready to start your day of fishing and when you reach into your tackle box, you realize that it's not the one you meant to bring.
Rather than your good box of hooks, lures, and bait, you've brought your container of subpar, damaged, and flimsy supplies.
It's not what you wanted, but you can function with it.
Now imagine that it begins to rain.
You go to get your raincoat and find that it's not there; you must have left it at home.
The weather is warm, so even though you're getting drenched and using second-rate supplies, you're still operating.
Around lunchtime, your stomach starts to grumble and when you turn to get your lunchbox, you find it's not there - you left it on the dock.
Still, you're okay because you had a big breakfast.
It may not be an ideal day, what with bringing the wrong tackle box, getting soaked in the rain, and the pangs of hunger from leaving your lunch behind, but you're getting by because you at least remembered your drinking water.

A Turn for the Worst

The next time you cast out your pole the wind picks up and blows it overboard.
You watch as it sinks down into the water.
The boat captain lends you his old rickety pole, so you keep on fishing.
Just when you think you're getting comfortable again - despite the setbacks - the captain yells out that he's run out of fuel and will have to call for help.
Things continue to go wrong from there.

Combating Complacency

Anthony William uses this story to illustrate how chronic illness works.
Like one thing after another going awry on a fishing trip, heading the ship towards doom, physical symptoms can build up to the point that functioning becomes almost impossible.
First you may develop a little fatigue, then aches and pains in your joints, then severe migraines, then Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Still, you're able to function enough to get by.
It can be easy to accept an ailment as your new normal.
However, it’s incredibly important not to get complacent.
Rather, you want to address your afflictions right away, before things get too far.
Let’s go back to the fishing trip analogy.
The captain's just notified you that he's out of fuel.
You may shrug your shoulders and hope for the best.
But you might want to consider that if the boat started to drift into a group of rocks, ripping a hole in the side, it would bring the whole boat down.
So it is with your health.
Many people do not get the help they need in time, either because they keep brushing off new symptoms or because they can't find help.
Often, they end up feeling that too many things have gone wrong and lose faith they can ever truly heal, feeling forever lost at sea.
Anthony William is capable of reading the subtleties of an individual's health.
Not only can he see what is wrong in the moment and how to heal it, he can identify bodily weaknesses that can lead to problems in the future.
He steps in with preventative measures right away, helping you to bolster your immune system so you can be completely prepared for what comes at you in life. With Anthony's keen insight and healing abilities, you can rest assured that you won’t go adrift in your journey to optimum health.
Sursa : Anthony William Medical Medium

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