Miracle à Lourdes : 11
MAI 2016 !!!!, le 20 mai 2016
Objet :
Miracle à
De :
Olivia Marcov (...)
À :
Vendredi 20 mai 2016 19h57
Une fillette italienne de 6 ans, sourde, a
inexplicablement pu se passer d’appareil auditif, à partir du 11 mai dernier,
lors d’un pèlerinage à Lourdes, indique l’Unitalsi (Union nationale italienne
pour le transport des malades à Lourdes et dans les sanctuaires
de Ligurie, elle s’est rendue en pèlerinage à Lourdes avec sa mère, sa
grand-mère et son petit frère. Une décision du « dernier moment ».
petite fille était atteinte d’une surdité profonde aux deux oreilles et elle
devait porter des appareils acoustiques. Mais, mercredi dernier, elle les a
enlevés, a témoigné Giuseppe Secondi, président de la sous-section Unitalsi de
Milan Sud-Ouest et directeur du pèlerinage.
« Il
était 20h30, et nous étions en train de jouer avec la fillette, a-t-il raconté,
et je lui ai dit que je ne pouvais plus jouer avec elle, car un engagement
m’attendait. Elle a rejoint sa mère et je l’ai vue enlever ses appareils
acoustiques sans lesquels elle était condamnée à la surdité. Lorsque sa mère
lui a demandé de les remettre, elle a répondu : ‘ J’entends bien, ils ne me
servent plus’ ».
La mère a aussitôt conduit sa fille au bureau
des Constatations Médicales de Lourdes. Les docteurs ont demandé toute la
documentation antécédente et ils ont proposé aussi de nouveaux examens
fillette est née prématurée, à seulement 26 semaines, et elle ne pesait que 800
grammes. Elle a passé trois mois à l’Institut
pédiatrique Gaslini de Gênes. Les médecins ont pu la sauver, mais certains
médicaments ont provoqué des hémorragies cérébrales qui ont endommagé ses
conduits auditifs. Les examens effectués plus tard ont confirmé qu’elle était
atteinte d’une surdité profonde aux deux oreilles.
Lourdes: a deaf child
hears from his pilgrimage
Testimony of the unitalsi
18 may 2016 Marina Droujininatémoignage
An Italian girl of 6 years old, deaf, has inexplicably been able to dispense with the hearing aid, from 11 may last year, during a pilgrimage to Lourdes, indicates the unitalsi (Italian National Union for the transport of patients to Lourdes And in the international shrines).
A Native of Liguria, she went on a pilgrimage toLourdes with his mother, his grandmother and
his little brother. A decision of the "last moment".
The little girl was suffering from a profound deafness in both ears and she had to wear hearing aids. But, last Wednesday, she took them off, testified Giuseppe Secondï, President of the sub-section unitalsi Milan South-West and director of the pilgrimage.
" it was at 20, and we were playing with the girl, did he tell you, and I told him that I couldn't play with her, because a commitment was waiting for me. She joined her mother and I saw her take off his acoustic devices without which she was sentenced to deafness. When his mother asked him to put them back, she replied: ' I hear, they don't serve me more ".
The Mother has immediately drove his daughter to the office of the medical findings ofLourdes .
The doctors have requested all the documentation to the previous and they have
also proposed new audiometric testing.
The little girl was born premature, at only 26 weeks, and she only weighed 800 grams. She spent three months at the institute of paediatric gaslini genoa. The doctors were able to save her, but certain medications have caused brain hemorrhages which have damaged his ear canals. Reviews later confirmed that she was suffering from a profound deafness in both ears.
Testimony of the unitalsi
18 may 2016 Marina Droujininatémoignage
An Italian girl of 6 years old, deaf, has inexplicably been able to dispense with the hearing aid, from 11 may last year, during a pilgrimage to Lourdes, indicates the unitalsi (Italian National Union for the transport of patients to Lourdes And in the international shrines).
A Native of Liguria, she went on a pilgrimage to
The little girl was suffering from a profound deafness in both ears and she had to wear hearing aids. But, last Wednesday, she took them off, testified Giuseppe Secondï, President of the sub-section unitalsi Milan South-West and director of the pilgrimage.
" it was at 20, and we were playing with the girl, did he tell you, and I told him that I couldn't play with her, because a commitment was waiting for me. She joined her mother and I saw her take off his acoustic devices without which she was sentenced to deafness. When his mother asked him to put them back, she replied: ' I hear, they don't serve me more ".
The Mother has immediately drove his daughter to the office of the medical findings of
The little girl was born premature, at only 26 weeks, and she only weighed 800 grams. She spent three months at the institute of paediatric gaslini genoa. The doctors were able to save her, but certain medications have caused brain hemorrhages which have damaged his ear canals. Reviews later confirmed that she was suffering from a profound deafness in both ears.
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